Ground Support

Ground support equipment supplies the flight vehicle with everything it needs to fly. Ground systems are usually tailor made to the rocket but in my case, The launch pad is intended to be modular, multipurpose, and upgrade-able for next generation rockets!
Ground To Flight

Launch PAD
The launch pad is comprised of a few key elements:
Hold Down Clamps - These hold the rocket back until the engines reach full thrust
Vehicle Stabilizer - Grabs the tip of the rocket and keeps it from falling over until it is released for launch. This mechanism also ensures the proper heading is maintained for the flight computer until release
Strong-back Release Mechanism - Releases the strong-back at the moment of liftoff to get all hardware out of the path of the rocket. This allows the full assembly to swing 15-20 degrees out of the way in an instant
Core Stage Avionics Umbilical - This small arm reaches out to the rocket and connects it electrically to the pad computer. The start up command is fed through these wires at T-2 seconds to launch and primes the TVC mechanisms in the rocket
Countdown Clock/Buzzer - displays visually and provides auditory warning for when a countdown is in progress. Countdown begins at T-20 seconds to allow time to get clear of the launch site and can be aborted at any time up to T-Zero. The clock also becomes a stopwatch past T-Zero to use for analysis of liftoff footage
Flame Deflector - deflects the heat of the rocket exhaust away from the rocket and pad using a steel channel

Launch Pad computer. Visible is the voltage regulator, 2 channel ignition relay, and Arduino R3 with custom shield

Launch Pad with Falcon S1-C and SLS core. The pad interfaces are made to be modular to fit both vehicles